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Rude Osolnik was an American wood turner and furniture designer. He moved to Kentucky in 1937 to run an industrial arts program at Berea College. Here he became one of the most important post-war American craftsmen. His body of work includes furniture and smaller objects like bowls and candlesticks.
He was a Founder, Lifetime Member, and Fellow of the Kentucky Guild of Artisans and Craftsmen and a Fellow of the American Craft Council. In 1992 he received the Kentucky Governor's Award for Lifetime Achievements in the Arts. His work is shown in many museums and The Queen of England was even presented one of his bowls by the US Government.
The collection of Bloomberry has been driven by the cultural reference between architecture, art and design.
The quality of our collection is reflected in the sophistication of craftsmanship and the character of the scars of time. Our restoration workshops are built around the same principal and work to the highest degree of craftsmanship. Bloomberry is housed in a former textile factory located near Maastricht.
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